Grief's Appeal

Grief’s Appeal                                                                                                                     

Ask me questions

the deep ones

those that reach past my mind

with a long-handled ladle

dipping into my heart

even touching my soul

Draw out my Today Truth


And then stay

Not merely to hear answers

Stay fully present to bare witness:

Be willing to drink the saltiness of my sadness

Bathe in the waves of my anger

at no one and Everything

Savor the sweet memories—

These morsels are my manna

otherwise lost

in silence


Pull me in close

Because I—I am adrift in time

Disconnected from space

lost In myself, From myself

I need a tether…

even as I push away

I need the mirror of you

until I can find “me” again

Because in this undoing

I am unfamiliar to myself

A stranger to this new, harsh world